Logic on the web
- The ProofWeb manual .pdf
- The ProofWeb manual .html
- Tips on First Order Logic
- Tips on Propositional Logic
- For problems about the course and the proof assistant, email ptrckphilo (at) gmail.com
- For questions about the course and the proof assistant, email jmarcos (at) dimap.ufrn.br
- Disclaimer. Please use Mozilla, Firefox, Galeon, Epiphany or Netscape >= 6.
With other browsers some or all features are missing.
What is ProofWeb?
ProofWeb is both a system for teaching logic and for using proof assistants through the web.
ProofWeb can be used in three ways. First, one can use the guest login, for which one does not even need to register. Secondly, a user can be a student in a logic or proof assistants course. We are hosting courses free of charge. If you are a teacher and would like to host your course on this server, send email to proofweb@cs.ru.nl. Thirdly, if teachers do not want to trust us with their students' files, they can freely download the ProofWeb system and run it on a server of their own.
About ProofWeb
Cezary | Maxim | Freek | Femke | Hanno | Roel |
ProofWeb was developed in 2006 and 2007 in the education innovation project Web deduction for education in formal thinking which was financed by Surf Foundation, the Radboud University Nijmegen and the Free University Amsterdam. The main developer of the system was Cezary Kaliszyk, after ideas by Freek Wiedijk. The ProofWeb exercise database and a first version of the natural deduction tactics were developed by Maxim Hendriks. ProofWeb was refined based on experiences with the system in the courses of Femke van Raamsdonk, Hanno Wupper and Roel de Vrijer.