CAROL is the research group on Computability, Approximate Reasoning, Ordered structures, and Logics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal/Brazil). It agglutinates researchers who are interested in the mathematical/formal aspects of computing and its applications. The group is registered at the CNPq database. Some members of the group also maintain a page on FB.
Our group’s interest areas are, among others:
- Fuzzy Logics and Systems
- Non-classical Logic and Its Applications
- Formal Specifications
- Automated Reasoning
- Interval Computations
- Domain Theory
- Automata Theory and Its Applications
- Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications
- The use of Computers in Education
- Models of Computation
- Safe and Secure Systems
Our objective: The requirements of new generation systems such as: interactivity, performance, suitability, low risk, quality, accuracy, validity, reliability, etc impose the integration of various technologies and paradigms. In parallel, the application of advanced technologies, a theoretical basis that supports the development of such systems is another key requirement. The purpose of our group is to develop research, promoting the deepening of those key technologies and integrating them, as well as developing the theoretical basis needed for the application of this research in order to enable the development of hybrid systems. It is also our goal to spread this work by the generation of technology, effective implementation of the various productive sectors of our society, beyond the generation of trainers through our scholars and students.
Formerly known as LoLITA (LOgic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications), the group changed its name in 2021 in light of a discussion about inclusivity, which can be found at this thread on the Google group LOGICA-L.
The new name is a tribute to our dear friend and colleague Carolina Blasio (1984-2017). Carol was a dedicated researcher as well as an exceptional human being, whose research interests included non-classical logics and generalized consequence relations, with special focus on plurivalent logics. Her scholarly contributions are:
- Blasio, Carolina, Carlos Caleiro and João Marcos. What is a logical theory? On theories containing assertions and denials. Available as a preprint.
- Blasio, Carolina (2017). Sobre noções de consequência generalizadas e lógicas plurivalentes. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas/Brazil.
- Blasio, Carolina, João Marcos and Heinrich Wansing (2017). An Inferentially Many-Valued Two-Dimensional Notion of Entailment. Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (3/4).
- Blasio, Carolina (2017). Revisitando a Lógica de Dunn-Belnap. Manuscrito 40 (2). Now available in English at the arXiv.
- Blasio, Carolina (2016). Sobre as Relações de Consequência Lógica e Semânticas Multivalentes. Saberes n. esp.
More about her academic work can be found at her currículo lattes and Google scholar profile.
On the group’s new logo
The initial reference was to the diagram with 2-dimensional consequence used by Carolina Blasio in her PhD. On top of this, we have added elements referring to other topics of study of our research group, namely:
Computability: The lozenge is made of a Turing machine’s tape.
Approximate Reasoning: The colors of the tape follow a continuous gradient, as in the semantics of fuzzy logics.
Ordered Structures: The diagram has the structure of a complete lattice.
Logic: The diamond shape refers to the world of possibilities, be them realizable or not.
The yellowish palette refers to the xanana, the flower-symbol of Natal.