More information on some of the seminars is available in our Google calendar. This emoji 📽️ links to the recording of the talk at the Logic@UFRN archive.
- 30/08 Interval Valued Probability Measures as a Unifying Theory for Optimization Under Generalized Uncertainty, Weldon A. Lodwick (UNIFESP and University of Colorado at Denver)
- 11/06 Algebraic Semantics for Quasi-Nelson Logic, Thiago Nascimento da Silva (UFRN)
- 16/02 Quando criptografia não garante segurança: quantificando o vazamento de informação em sistemas computacionais, Sérgio Alvim (UFMG)
- 07/04 On fuzzy subsethood measures: a brief overview and a new proposal, Hélida Santos (UFRN)
- 02/05 Generalized differential privacy and applications to location privacy, Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay, France) 📽️
- 04/05 An Introduction to the Theory of Concurrent Systems, Frank Valencia (CNRS & LIX, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, Universidad Javeriana Cali) 📽️
- 08/09 Mechanizing Linear Logic in Coq, Bruno Xavier (UFRN) in joint work with Carlos Olarte, Giselle Reis and Vivek Nigam
- 15/09 Algebraic Semantics for Nelson’s Logic S, Thiago Nascimento (UFRN)
- 18/09 An introduction to Fuzzy Description Logics, Marco Cerami (Palacky University)
- 09/10 Rewriting Modulo SMT and Open System Analysis, Camilo Rocha (PUJ Cali)
- 24/11 A note on footnotes: theorem of nonfirstorderizability of the Geach-Kaplan sentence, João Daniel Dantas (UFRN)
- 01/12 What is Logical Geometry?, Elena Aladova
- 05/12 Generalizing Semantic Minimalism, Evelyn Erickson (UFRN)
- 12/02 Disjointly fibred logics: characterizing mixed reasoning and applications, Sérgio Marcelino (Security and Quantum Information Group, Instituto de Telecomunicações)
- 19/02 A study of some aggregation functions for image reduction and their extension to product lattices, Daniel Paternain (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
- 26/02 On residual implications derived from overlap functions, Benjamín Bedregal (UFRN)
- 04/03 Breaking the Proof Code, João Marcos (UFRN) 📽️
- 11/03 A proof theoretic view of spatial and temporal dependencies in biochemical systems, Carlos Olarte (UFRN) in joint work with D. Chiarugi and M. Falaschi
- 08/03 Proof search for modal logics, Elaine Pimentel (UFRN) in joint work with Björn Lellmann
- 15/04 On extensions of the Belnap-Dunn logic, Umberto Rivieccio (UFRN)
- 20/04 The surprising difficulty of using mathematics in computer science, Achim Jung (University of Birmingham) 📽️
- 06/05 An Overview on Quasi-Hybrid Logic, Diana Costa (Universidade de Aveiro) 📽️
- 27/05 Dualities: From Birkhoff to bounded N4, Paulo Maia (UFRN)
- 12/08 It ain’t necessarily so! Basic sequent systems for negative modalities, João Marcos (UFRN) 📽️
- 19/08 O Axioma de Martin, Thiago Nascimento (UFRN)
- 11/09 Non-involutive bilattices, Paulo Maia
- 16/09 A unified view of modal and substructural logics, Elaine Pimentel (UFRN)
- 30/09 O sistema Ecumênico e o sistema Fat, Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC-Rio/UERJ/CNPq)
- 07/10 Voluntionary foundational visions, Frode Bjørdal
- 24/10 Equivalências (surpreendentes !) da Hipótese do Contínuo, Samuel Gomes
- 31/10 A topological and domain theoretical study of total computable functions, Claudio Callejas
- 07/12 Uma versão fuzzy para o problema dos mínimos quadrados e aplicações, Prof. Eduardo Palmeira (UESC)
- 09/12 Pre-aggregation function in classification problems, Humberto Bustince (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
- 12/12 Paraconsistência: uma perspectiva epistêmica, Abilio Rodrigues (UFMG)
- 20/02 A game semantics for disjunctive logic programs (part I), Thanos Tsouanas (UFRN)
- 27/02 A game semantics for disjunctive logic programs (part II), Thanos Tsouanas (UFRN)
- 06/03 Aritméticas para números fuzzy, Prof. Laécio Carvalho de Barros (UNICAMP)
- 06/03 CI-Algebras, Regivan Santiago (UFRN)
- 13/03 On syntactic soundness of free-variable tableaux, Richard Bonichon (UFRN)
- 20/03 How does one resolve disputes about logic?. Graham Priest (CUNY) 📽️
- 30/03 False-belief tests, language, and modal logic, Torben Braüner (Roskilde University)
- 06/04 Fair infinite lotteries and infinitesimal probabilities, Leon Horsten (University of Bristol) 📽️
- 08/04 Deontic Logic and Language Games, Vladimir Svoboda (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) 📽️
- 08/04 Logic of Assertability, Vít Punčochář (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) 📽️
- 10/04 Proof theory for classical modal logics: systems of rules, David Gilbert (UNICAMP) 📽️
- 10/04 Reflexive insensitive modal logics, Giorgio Venturi (UNICAMP)
- 24/04 Formal semantics for the B-method: first steps, David Déharbe (UFRN)
- 15/05 On residual implications derived from overlap function, Benjamín Bedregal (UFRN)
- 11/11 Intensionality, Definability and Computation, Samson Abramsky (University of Oxford) 📽️
- 25/11 Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis, Umberto Rivieccio (UFRN)
- 02/12 Satisfiability Modulo Theories: handling quantifiers, Haniel Barbosa (Inria Nancy / VeriDis team at LORIA)
- 05/02 Logic for Security, Carlos Caleiro (ULisboa, IST)
- 19/02 On two-dimensional products of modal logics, Sérgio Marcelino (ULisboa)
- 12/03 Conservativeness and decidability of fibred logics, Sérgio Marcelino (ULisboa) in joint work with Carlos Caleiro
- 13/03 Generalizações do Conceito de Distância, i-Distâncias, Distâncias Intervalares e Topologia, Prof. Fagner Lemos de Santana (UFRN)
- 28/03 A Proof Theoretic Study of Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming, Carlos Olarte in joint work with Vivek Nigam and Elaine Pimentel
- 01/09 Reductio proofs from a dialogical perspective, Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (University of Groningen)
- 15/09 Penalty functions defined over a Cartesian product of lattices. L-Multisets. Application to consensus and image reduction, Humberto Bustince (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
- 22/09 The ordering problem for fuzzy extensions: admissible orders for interval-valued fuzzy sets, Javier Fernandez (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
- 10/06 A Calculus for Topological Quantum Computation, Alessandra Di Pierro (UNIVR)
- 10/09 Modal and temporal deduction systems for quantum state transformations, Luca Viganò (King’s College), UK
- 17/09 An Evolutionary Spatial Game-based Approach for the Self-regulation of Social Exchanges in MAS, Graçaliz Dimuro (FURG)
- 24/09 Typical Hesitant Fuzzy Sets: state of the art and some of our contributions, Hélida Santos
- 01/10 Proteção de dados biométricos utilizando Fuzzy Vault e Fuzzy Commitment Modificado, Isaac Filho (UERN)
- 08/10 Algoritmo de Agrupamento Fuzzy C-Means e Índices de Validação para Agrupamento de Dados Simbólicos do Tipo Intervalo, Ronildo Moura
- 17/10 Making Sense of Conditional Probabilities, David Miller
- 24/10 A Relatividade e a Universalidade da Lógica, Jean-Yves Béziau (UFRJ)
- 19/11 Generalizações da Teoria dos Conjuntos Fuzz, Benjamín Bedregal (UFRN)
- 26/11 Symmetries in Modal Logics: A Quick Tour, Ezequiel Orbe (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET)
- 17/12 Many-valued modal logic over residuated lattices, Umberto Rivieccio (TU Delft)
- 17/12 The future of bilattice-based reasoning, João Marcos (UFRN)
- 20/02 Regulation of Social Exchanges in Open Multiagent Systems: the problem of reciprocal conversions between POMDPs and HMMs, Graçaliz Dimuro (FURG)
- 10/04 Graded Consequence, Mihir Chakraborty and Soma Dutta
- 10/04 An Interpolation-based Approach to the Verification of Security Protocols, Marco Volpe
- 12/04 Bivalent semantics & tableaux for many-valued logics, João Marcos and Marco Volpe
- 12/04 Intuitionistic modalities and bi-intuitionism, Gianluigi Bellin
- 26/04 Interactions of computability and randomness, Andre Nies (University of Auckland)
- 13/11 A resolution-based calculus for Coalition Logic, Claudia Nalon (UnB)
- 23/09 Gestão de Risco: conceitos e perspectivas, Marcus da Rocha (UFPA)
- 27/11 Brincando com polaridades, Elaine Pimentel (UFMG / UFRN)
- 04/12 A Concurrent Constraint Programming Interpretation of Access Permissions, Carlos Olarte (UFRN)
- 25/05 Arbitrary multi-truth-value functions and Natural Deduction, Cecilia Englander
- 06/06 Lógica Difusa: Uma abordagem semântica, Heloína Alves Arnaldo and Liliane Ribeiro da Silva
- 22/06 Genetic Proofs, Reductions and Rational Reconstruction Proofs, Michèle Friend (George Washington University)
- 22/08 Should the World be Present?, Frode Bjørdal (University of Oslo)
- 31/08 Rota-Metropolis paraconsistent logic, Daniele Mundici (University of Florence)
- 18/12 Concurrent Constraint Programming and Temporal, Spatial, and Epistemic, Elaine Pimentel (UFMG) and Carlos Olarte (PUC Javeriana)
- 29/04 An introduction to the Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games – From Game Theory to Models, Patrick Terrematte and Sanderson Molick
- 04/05 Abstract valuation semantics, Carlos Caleiro (IST)
- 27/05 Análise de Componentes Independentes em dados de fMRI, Liliane Ribeiro
- 03/16 Integrais Intervalares de Linha, Giovani Ângelo
- 10/06 Uma nova perspectiva para a Matemática Intervalar, Benedito Melo Acióly (UESB)
- 22/06 Generalizações do Conceito de Métrica, Fagner Lemos de Santana (UFRN)
- 06/07 Análise Intervalar Clássica e Modal, Liliane Ribeiro
- 09/09 GIARA-LOLITA: uma cooperacao que pode dar muitos bons frutos, Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago (UFRN)